Are you looking for tips and tricks concerning attic cleaning? You’ve come to the right place! Have a look further down on this page and find all the advice you’ll ever need.
Inspect your attic while cleaning it and address any issues before they get worse
Start organizing at the back and deal with the biggest items first, then sort the smaller ones into piles such as keep, sell and trash. If you notice animal droppings, either use PPE while cleaning and decontaminating or call professionals to finish the job. Check for signs of mold and inspect the insulation and fix any problems you find ASAP. Remember - a stitch in time saves nine!
Prepare your home before calling a decontamination team
The most important thing you should do is remove as much clutter as you possibly can from the attic. Leave the windows open so the odors from the infestation and disinfectants we use can clear out as soon as possible. Other than that – let us take care of everything else!
Check for rodent damage every now and then
Rodents in your attic can cause all sorts of issues, from destroying your insulation to use for nesting, to leaving behind diseases that can easily infect your home. You want to know as soon as possible if they've been making themselves at home in your attic so you can get to work getting rid of them and decontaminating the area, so inspecting your attic periodically is a good idea. Look out for droppings, discolored spots, gnawed wood or boxes, and bad smells.